
PayPal Discontinuation

PayPal Discontinuation

This month we announce the full support of Visa, MasterCard and American Express, via our secure online payments platform.

Today we no longer support payments processed by PayPal, this is due to a change in their terms of service that we disagree and believe that will be penalising for our clients.

PayPal as opposite to its competitors forces us to absorb the fees when we refund our clients. We refund clients in case of bad weather or cancellation, running into a loss, absorbing the fees and refunding the client in full is extremely penalising via PayPal.

Refunds beyond six months of payment are impossible. Therefore we are charged twice for returning the money to the client.

We could pass this to the client, although we cannot do under the new terms, there is a new non-discouragement clause.

PayPal User Agreement

“In representations to your customers or in public communications, you agree not to mischaracterize PayPal as a payment method. At all of your points of sale (in whatever form), you agree not to try to dissuade or inhibit your customers from using PayPal; and, if you enable your customers to pay you with PayPal, you agree to treat PayPal’s payment mark at least at par with other payment methods offered.”

PayPal is not on par with our current cards processor, in fees, schedule and charge reversal.

Sayonara Mr. PayPal!